Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
212 Second Street, Woodland, CA 95695
Office Address: 620 North Street, Woodland, CA 95695
Office Hours: 9:00 am - 12 Noon, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Giving at Woodland UMC
At Woodland United Methodist Church, we believe money should not be the central theme of a church, nor should it be an omitted theme. We understand that the giving of our financial resources is an act of faith.
If you would like to give to Woodland UMC, you may choose from the following options:
Option 1: Cash/Check
Please make checks payable to
Woodland United Methodist Church
and leave in the offering plate during worship
or send by mail to:
Woodland UMC
620 North Street
Woodland, CA 95695
Option 2: Online Giving
Online gifts are received securely through PayPal®. These gifts are applied to the general church budget unless otherwise designated for another purpose.
Woodland UMC Guatemala Humanitarian Aid Trip
Online gifts are received securely through PayPal®. These gifts are applied to a designated fund for our November 2024 Mission Trip to Guatemala.