Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
212 Second Street, Woodland, CA 95695
Office Address: 620 North Street, Woodland, CA 95695
Office Hours: 9:00 am - 12 Noon, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Music Ministry at Woodland UMC
We are so blessed to have such wonderful talent at Woodland UMC. Singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, and celebrating Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Lord, though music. Below you will find several different opportunities to share your musical gifts.
Please check the Church Calendar for rehearsal times.
Chancel Choir
High school youth and adults share the music of prayer and praise during the
10 a.m. worship service. Come, join us at rehearsal for meaningful ministry and fellowship together.
Worship Team
These are our worship music leaders. All ages and abilities are welcome.
Glory Shakers Handbell Choir (For advanced and continuing ringers)
Come join us to ring handbells and share in fellowship together.
We ask that you have familiarity with reading music and a willingness to commit to rehearsal schedules. Occasional Beginning Ringers groups are available throughout the year. As interest develops, beginning ringer groups are formed. Contact the church office to connect with Rev. Deb Grundman, Director.