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Stephen Ministries


A Stephen Minister is a trained lay person specializing in one-on-one caregiving for those who are going through a difficult time in their lives.  This is a ministry of listening, prayer and help that can assist a person through a time of grief, illness, or some other serious interruption of life.


Stephen Ministers are pledged to confidentiality and are available to help any who are in need.  If you would like to know more about how a Stephen Minister could care for you, please contact the church office.

If you are in a life-threatening emergency, please call 9-1-1 or Suicide Prevention Services of Yolo County. 


24-Hour Crisis Lines: 

Woodland: (530) 666-7778 

Davis: (530) 756-5000 

West Sacramento: (916) 372-6565 

Sacramento: (916) 368-3111 

Nationwide Toll-Free: (800) 273-8255


Crisis Text LineText 741741

from anywhere in the USA, anytime, about any type of crisis.


What Kind of a Woman Would Receive the Care of a Stephen Minister?  

A woman like . . .

Sarah, who faced a major change in life at an advanced age and needed someone to listen to both her joy and apprehension.


Hagar, who was abandoned along with her child and needed someone to offer her hope and remind her of God's presence.


Hannah, who struggled with her inability to bear a child and needed someone with whom to share her sadness and pain.


Naomi, who had lost her loved ones and needed someone to hear her sorrow and pain.


Ruth, who left everything that was familiar to her and needed someone to journey with her in her new life.


Esther, who was faced with a major decision and needed someone who could listen to her concerns and offer encouragement.


Mary, who lived with both the joys and struggles of having an exceptional child and needed someone to help her sort out the ponderings of her heart.


Martha, who was burdened by the demands of daily life and needed someone to help her regain sight of what was important.


Mary Magdalene, who received healing from inner turmoil and needed someone to walk with her as she built a new life.


A Woman Like YOU

What Kind of a Man Would Receive the Care of a Stephen Minister?  

A Man like . . .

Adam, who was cut off from all that gave meaning to life and needed someone to remind him of God's promise.


Noah, who witnessed the destruction of everything around him and needed someone to wait with him for a new day.


Abraham, who had to leave everything he knew and loved behind him and needed someone to journey with him to a new life.


Moses, who faced great opposition and needed a companion to support him and speak on his behalf.


David, who grieved the death of a wayward child and needed a shepherd's care.


Elijah, who thought he was all alone and needed a still, small voice to encourage him.


Job, who lost everything and needed someone to silently endure his pain with him.


Peter, who found himself in over his head and needed the strong hand of a faithful friend.


Paul, who knew the unending distress of a thorn in the flesh and needed someone to rejoice when he rejoiced and to weep when he wept.


A Man Like YOU

A person like JESUS, who knew intense disappointment, sorrow, grief, rejection, and loneliness, and needed an angel of God to minister to him.

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